Way too fast, the last day in Berkeley has arrived. So this will probably be the last entry. It has been eleven really nice weeks and we experienced a lot.
The last week was on one side the end of the work. So all four of us had to finish the report, correct the English and send it in on time. But because it was also the last week in Berkeley, we had to see everybody again and say good bye.
On Thursday was the big farewell party. A last time grilling in the backyard and talking to everybody we met. Kean, Baptiste and Yvan had to leave Friday morning to get on the plane to Las Vegas. For me and Marc was Friday the last time at the Lab and our plane departs tomorrow morning.
After having party in SF, today was time to finish the cleaning of the room and prepare the luggage for the next trip.
But we'll keep a lot of memories from California:
seeing a lot of wild animals, eating meat, drinking beers, building the first detector module at LBNL, cooking with cream cheese, listening to unique recordings, driving around, doing shopping, running 13.1 miles, having BBQ until 3am, reading four books and watching all the bond movies, building our own smörgascake, biking uphill, playing the piano, row on a lake, driving a motorboat, walking through the city, getting lost with a bus, missing the bart, sunset, firework and destroying clothes, working until 10pm, speaking all kind of luangages, being asked if we're speaking Russian, having nice neighbors and meeting awesome people
I tried to write about the most parts, but there are still a lot of things left to tell. With over 3500 pictures collected even more to show. Unlucky for you, I won't show them all here, but I'll be happy to show them to you back in Switzerland. But first we go on to Miami and Costa Rica! Until then, I thank you for following my little stories. Have fun and see you in September
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