Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

Independent Weekend

This year 4th of July falls on a Monday. This get's us another long weekend and is a great opportunity to go somewhere. But where? After some discussions we decided to go to Yosimite National Park. Luckily we looked online for a hotel and found none.
So we decided on Thursday to go to Lake Tahoe instead. Looked pretty nice and there were still several rooms free. Room booked, Car reserved everything ready..

How to start a long weekend? Naturally at Birdlands!

After a funny evening with seafood, liked by some more and by some less, we had to get up really early. 7am was early in the morning and for some to early. We needed to wake up Kean by a method from Chris. Let an ice cube slide down the belly or the back. It worked very well.

Once everybody was ready and all the things for the weekend packed (well actually not everything was packed) we started our trip. Joined by Stephano, who decided to come along on Friday evening, we headed with our car direction Stockton and then on some freeway through Eldorado to South Lake Tahoe.

It was a long trip and some used the time to get some extra sleep. We drove through a beautiful landscape, but as it is a holiday weekend, we weren't the only ones driving to lake Tahoe. So we ended up in a traffic jam, but with some patience we arrived at our goal.

We explored the lake with a nice little boat (around 120 horsepower) and a wakeboard to have some fun. After a round trip on the lake we ended the afternoon lying on the artificial beach and looking at some snow mountains.

Next day we tried to visit Emerald Bay, but got stuck up again in the traffic. So slightly change of plan and a almost planless drive, we ended up at the Fallen Leaf Lake. From there we took a small hike up to Lily Lake. Even if there was a road, we soon left it and followed Baptiste on a path, or something that looked like a path. And finally we just declared that our way is a path. It was fun and we experienced true nature.

And of course we made an mandatory auto-shot picture, even if we haven't done it in the first attemp.

Every nice weekend comes to an end and so we left this beautiful region and drove back to Berkeley late on Sunday.

Independence day we enjoyed back in Berkeley with our dear neighbors and friends. A nice weekend ended with firework and a good steak. Especially smoked with hickory wood and shavings soaked in wine. We thank the grill chief Chris and of course also Paul, Kara, Ricardo and Michael for Salad, Desert and entertainment.

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